The Beatrix Potter 50p collection was started by the Royal Mint in 2016 and 13 different versions have been released into circulation since then.
Since that time, the Beatrix Potter collection has become one of the most collectable coin sets on the market today. With iconic designs based on the famous children’s tales written by Potter, it is clear to see why they are so desirable.
The Royal Mint currently offers the coins in brilliant uncirculated condition, as well as in silver and gold proof for the more avid collectors. Furthermore, there are various sets that are also available featuring the coins.
Fear not, however, most of the coins are available to buy in circulated condition at relatively affordable prices on the secondary marketplace; perfect for the young collectors out there.
Which is the rarest Beatrix Potter 50p?
According to the mintage figures provided by the Royal Mint, the 2018 Peter Rabbit 50p and Flopsy Bunny 50p coins are tied for the rarest with a mintage of 1,400,000 each! Compared with the largest mintage of the series of 25,000,000 for the Benjamin Bunny 50p, it is clear to see why these 2 coins are at the top in terms of rarity.
Join us as we take a look at each of the 13 designs currently in circulation to find out how much you could pick one up for!
Beatrix Potter Portrait 50p

Mintage = 6,900,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.08
Estimated Uncirculated Value ≈ £5
The design of the Beatrix Potter Portrait 50p by Emma noble was issued in 2016 and pays tribute to the life of Beatrix Potter; with a fitting portrait and elements from her work. The inscription ‘BEATRIX POTTER’ and ‘1866 1948’ can be found on the design. Being the only coin of the collection that does not directly feature a character from Potter’s tales this 50p does portray a unique design.
In terms of rarity, the Beatrix Potter Portrait 50p is not considered to be especially rare but does fit well into the collection. We had a look at eBay and you can look to pay around £1.08 for a circulated version of the coin to upwards of £5 for an uncirculated edition with packaging. Interestingly, we could not find many uncirculated examples for sale, perhaps indicating that this is not one of the more sought after coins of the collection.
Benjamin Bunny 50p

Mintage = 25,000,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £0.87
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £2.14
The design of the Benjamin Bunny 50p by Emma Noble features Benjamin Bunny dressed in his jacket, with the inscription ‘BENJAMIN BUNNY’ around the outside. This coin was the last of the 2017 Beatrix Potter collection, alongside the Peter Rabbit, Tom Kitten and Jeremy Fisher 50p coins. The Tale of Benjamin Bunny was first published in 1904 and is one of the most beloved children’s books.
The Benjamin Bunny 50p regularly sells for above face value on the secondary market, but not by a large margin. With such a large mintage amount it is surprising to see such values being obtained, but with such an iconic design it is clear to see why people are willing to spend a bit more to get their hands on one.
Flopsy Bunny 50p

Mintage = 1,400,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £4.09
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £5.30
Outside of the Olympic 50p coins, the Flopsy Bunny 50p with design by Emma Noble, issued in 2018, comes in at tied second place alongside the 2018 Peter Rabbit 50p on the top 5 rarest 50p coins list. Depicting a large character of Flopsy Bunny with the inscription ‘FLOPSY BUNNY’ around the outside, this 50p is a fan favourite.
As we’ve just mentioned, this coin is tied second place for the rarest 50p coin outside of the Olympic 50p coins, meaning it is considered to be quite rare. This is further highlighted by the sale price of the coin, averaging above £4 for even a circulated edition!
Jemima Puddle-Duck 50p

Mintage = 2,100,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £8.84
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £13.72
The Jemima Puddle-Duck 50p coin design by Emma Noble, issued in 2016, features a large character of Jemima Puddle-Duck with the description ‘JEMIMA PUDDLE-DUCK’ around the outside. First published in 1908, the Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck has been hugely successful ever since its release.
Looking at the estimated circulated and uncirculated values, it is clear to see that this 50p is the most valuable of all the Beatrix Potter series, despite not having the lowest mintage amount! Whilst it is difficult to explain exactly why this is the case, collectors are clearly more than willing to pay a premium for this coin.
Mr. Jeremy Fisher 50p

Mintage = 9,900,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.18
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £5.30
The Mr Jeremy Fisher 50p coin design by Emma Noble, issued in 2017, features yet another famous character created by Beatrix Potter. The Tale of Mr Jeremy Fisher is a classic children’s book published in 1906 that tells the story of how Mr Fisher almost gets eaten by a large trout. Mr Fisher’s character is depicted on the coin alongside the inscription of his name, ‘MR. JEREMY FISHER’.
With a mintage of almost 10 million, this 50p is not one of the rarest in the Beatrix Potter collection. Despite this, it can regularly sell for above face value and is worth above £5 in uncirculated condition.
Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle 50p

Mintage = 8,800,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.28
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £2.57
The Mrs Tiggy-Winkle 50p coin design, issued in 2016, features a large character of Mrs Winkle with the inscription ‘MRS. TIGGY WINKLE’ to the top. The Tale of Mrs Tiggle Winkle was first published in 1905 and revolves around a hedgehog washerwoman doing laundry with a child named Lucie.
Unlike some of the other coins in the collection, the Mrs Tiggy-Winkle 50p is worth only slightly above face values to collectors. Uncirculated samples can look to set you back around £2.57 on average, just over 5 times face value.
Mrs Tittlemouse

Mintage = 1,700,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £3.30
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £3.82
The Mrs Tittlemouse 50p coin issued in 2018 pays tribute to the Tale of Mrs Tittlemouse published in 1910. The tale revolves around a theme of housekeeping and insect pests with the character of Mrs Tittlemouse. The design of the coin, by Emma Noble, features a large depiction of Mrs Tittlemouse with the inscription ‘MRS. TITTLEMOUSE’ towards the top.
This coin has quite a low mintage of 1,700,000, reflected in its above-average price of £3.43 in circulated condition or £3.82 in uncirculated condition.
Peter Rabbit 2016 50p

Mintage = 9,600,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.47
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £3.61
The first of the Peter Rabbit 50p coins, the 2016 edition with design by Emma Noble features a large character of Peter Rabbit with the inscription ‘PETER RABBIT’ towards the top. Peter Rabbit first appeared in the Tale of Peter Rabbit, a children’s book by Beatrix, in 1902.
You can expect to pick one of these coins up in circulated condition for around £1.47, or for £3.61 in uncirculated condition. Not the most valuable of the set, but still a nice design to add to your collection.
Peter Rabbit 2018 50p

Mintage = 1,400,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £4.75
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £8.02
Another of the Peter Rabbit 50p coins, the 2018 edition features a much lower mintage than the 2016 and 2017 versions. The design of this coin by Emma Noble shows Peter feeding on radishes.
With a mintage of only 1,400,000, this coin is tied second place for the rarest 50p coins outside of the Olympic coins. For those of you wondering why this coin can sell for such a large amount on the secondary marketplace, there’s your answer. An iconic design alongside a small mintage amount makes for a highly collectable coin.
Squirrel Nutkin 50p

Mintage = 5,000,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.20
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £1.25
Based on yet another of Beatrix Potter’s children’s tales, the Squirrel Nutkin 50p issued in 2016 shows the character of Squirrel Nutkin with the inscription ‘SQUIRREL NUTKIN’ towards the top.
Interestingly we couldn’t find much difference in the achieved sold prices of circulated and uncirculated versions of the coin, with only a 5 pence difference between our calculated values. Regardless, this Beatrix Potter 50p does not sell for much above face value.
The Tailor of Gloucester 50p

Mintage = 3,900,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.33
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £2.24
The Tailor of Gloucester 50p coin was issued in 2018 and features a design by Emma Noble of the Tailor of Gloucester character with the inscription ‘THE TAILOR OF GLOUCESTER’ around the edges. First published in 1903, the Tailor of Gloucester was commonly known as Beatrix Potter’s favourite book that she wrote.
With a mintage of 3,900,000, the Tailor of Gloucester 50p has an estimated value of £1.33 in circulated condition of £2.24 in uncirculated; quite an affordable price for those looking to complete their Beatrix Potter series.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 50p

Mintage = 19,900,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.45
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £2.07
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 50p issued in 2017 features a design by Emma Noble of Peter Rabbit with the inscription ‘THE TALE OF PETER RABBIT’ around the edge. Alongside the 2016 and 2018 Peter Rabbit 50p coins, the Tale of Peter Rabbit 50p is one of three designs to feature Peter Rabbit.
With a mintage of almost 20 million, the Tale of Peter Rabbit does not command such a high price on the secondary market. However, it is interesting to see that the design of coins can influence the value to even a greater extent than just the mintage figure alone; as this coin has the second-highest mintage of the series but six of the other coins are valued below it!
Tom Kitten 50p

Mintage = 9,500,000
Estimated Circulated Value = £1.71
Estimated Uncirculated Value = £1.74
Last but certainly not least the Tom Kitten 50p with design by none other than Emma Noble. This coin, issued in 2017, features the character of Tom Kitten from the Tale of Tom Kitten written by Beatrix Potter with the inscription ‘TOM KITTEN’ around the edges.
With an estimated value of £1.71 for a circulated condition version of the coin and a mintage of 9,500,000, the Tom Kitten 50p is a decent middle-of-the-pack Beatrix Potter coin.
Please note that the values we have estimated are based solely on the prices that collectors are willing to pay for the coins, and not the actual face value of the coins. Our estimated values are average values taken from sold values on eBay, and as such represent the most accurate estimate of the price on the secondary marketplace.